Wednesday, January 29, 2020
History of Special Education Essay Example for Free
History of Special Education Essay It was not until the middle decades of the eighteenth century that Europe turned, for the first time, towards the education of persons with disabilities. The spirit of reform, crystallized in the philosophy and precepts of the European Enlightenment, created new vistas for disabled persons and the pioneers who ventured to teach them. Although special education emerged in a number of national contexts, France was the crucible where innovative pedagogies to assist those deaf, blind, and intellectually disabled emerged and flourished (Winzer, 1986). Following the French initiatives, movements to provide services for those in the normative categories of deaf, blind, and intellectually disabled were contemporaneous in continental Europe, Britain, and North America. Prior to the mid-eighteenth century, individual deviations were rarely tolerated and little was done for those who in some way disrupted the norms of a society. Disability was not an innocuous boundary; rather, it was a liability in social and economic participation. People perceived as disabled – whatever the type or degree – were lumped together under the broad categorization of idiot, scorned as inferior beings and deprived of rights and privileges. This early period is replete with innumerable stories of healing, many imbued with an Indeed, many special educators seem curiously disinterested in the foundations of the field; historical knowledge is learned incidentally and unintentionally (Mostert Crockett, 1999–2000; Winzer, 2004). To some, history becomes increasingly selective, with the past made over to suit present intentions; others speak to the ‘lack of history’ (Renzaglia, Hutchins Lee, 1997, p. 361). At the same time, some contemporary writers disparage earlier events, programmes, and pioneers in favour of contemporary models. Some point to fossilized traditions; others hold that if today’s inclusive movement embodies the best ideals of social justice then the past, by extension, had to be unjust (Winzer, 2004). Implicit to this position is a steadfast unwillingness to learn from the wisdom of the accumulated past. The middle decades of the eighteenth century witnessed the pervasive influence of the European Enlightenment. While the intellectual project of the Enlightenment was to build a sound body of knowledge about the world, its humanitarian philosophy prompted ideas about the equality of all people and the human responsibility to take care of others, particularly individuals outside the private circle of the home and the family. Reform movements sprang up, aimed at the improvement of the well-being of groups of individuals, varying from poor people and slaves to prisoners, the insane, and disabled people. In France, the Abbe Michel Charles de l’Epee (sign language) assimilated Enlightenment ideals of equality, as well as novel concepts about language and its development. He joined these to the sensationalist philosophy of John Locke and the French philosophers to promote innovative approaches to the education of deaf persons. If de l’Epee’s doctrine promoting a silent language of the hands was not unprecedented, it was nevertheless revolutionary in the context of the times. In devising and instructing through a language of signs, the Abbe gave notice that speech was no longer the apex of instruction in the education of deaf persons. Simultaneously, he influenced and guided innovations for other groups with disabilities, specifically those blind, deaf blind, and intellectually disabled. Following de l’Epee’s successful mission with deaf students, Valentin Hauy in 1782 initiated the instruction of blind persons using a raised print method. Somewhat later, in 1810, Edouard Seguin devised pedagogy for those considered to be mentally retarded. The French educational initiatives travelled the Atlantic to be adopted by pioneer educators in US and Canada. Rejection of French innovations did not imply that British advances were minor. On the contrary. Building on the prerogatives of earlier pioneers, teachers and clergy such as Thomas Braidwood and John Townsend promoted education for deaf persons. Schemes to assist other groups soon followed. By the close of the eighteenth century in Europe and Britain, the instruction of disabled persons was no longer confined to isolated cases or regarded merely as a subject of philosophic curiosity. Permanent facilities were established, staffed by a cadre of teachers experimenting with novel and innovative pedagogical methods. The French endeavors formed the core of systems and methods adopted in the United States and much of British North America (Canada). In the latter, however, the Maritime provinces of Nova. Scotia and New Brunswick initially adopted British pedagogy (see Winzer, 1993). Founded on a humanitarian philosophy, evangelical commitment, and unbounded philanthropy, they established from 1817 onwards a complex of institutions designed to cater to the unique needs of exceptional individuals. Pedro Ponce de Leon(1578) in Spain created the first documented experience about education of deaf children (from nobility) AbbeCharles Michel de l’Epee(1760) in Paris created the â€Å"Institutpour sourds†(Institute for deaf) Louis Braille invented â€Å"Braille script†(1829). Pioneers in Special Education Jean-Marc Itard [pic] DECS Order No. 1, s. 1997 Organization of A Regional SPED Unit and Designation of Regional Supervisor in-charge of Special Education -DECS Order No. 14, s. 1993 Regional Special Education Council -DECS Order No. 26, s. 1997 Institutionalizing of SPED Programs in All Schools -DECS Order No. 5, s. 1998 Reclassification of Regular Teacher and Principal Items to Special Education Teacher and Special School Principal Items DECS Order No. 11, s. 2000 Recognized Special Education (SPED) Centers in the Philippines. -REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7277 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE REHABILITATION, SELF DEVELOPMENT AND SELF-RELIANCE OF DISABLED PERSONS AND THEIR INTEGRATION INTO THE MAINSTREAM OF SOCIETY AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES http://www. deped. gov. ph/default. asp SPED teachers to sharpen tools in a national conference PASIG CITY Teachers and school administrators handling children with special learning needs are expected to further hone their skills during the 2013 national conference on Special Education (SPED) being put together by the Department of Education (DepEd). â€Å"We are opening the conference to public and private school teachers and administrators and other SPED service providers in line with our policy to continue to create a culture of inclusive education,†said Education Secretary Br. Armin A. Luistro FSC. The conference aims to engage teachers and school administrators in the discussions of the evolving practices in handling SPED learners with the end-view of producing inclusive policies. Preparations are now underway for the conference to be held in November in Iloilo which carries the theme â€Å"Special Education: A Bridge to Inclusion. †One of the conference highlights is the awarding of prizes to the winners of the Search for the Most Outstanding Receiving Teachers, as well as Outstanding SPED Teachers and SPED Centers. The national finalists will be awarded certificates while the national winners will receive plaques of appreciation and cash prizes. The conference will also be a venue to discuss current trends, skills and practices on the management of inclusive education schools. â€Å"We can also expect presentations on researches on inclusive education which others may adopt or adapt,†added Luistro. The Philippines, as a signatory of the Salamanca Statement of Action on. Special Needs Education, recognizes the principle of equal educational opportunities for â€Å"all children regardless of their physical, intellectual, social, emotional, linguistic or other conditions†(Salamanca Statement, 1994). This framework was adopted in the Philippines through the Department of Education Culture and Sports (now DepEd) Order no. 26 which institutionalized inclusive education. The order required the organization of at least one SPED center in each division and implementation of SPED programs in all school districts where there are students with special needs. Special education started in the Philippines in 1907 with the establishment of the Insular School for the Deaf and Blind. The school started with 92 deaf persons and one blind person. Today, DepEd serves 11 types of children with special needs in public schools. As of school year 2006-2007, there were 162,858 students with special needs at the elementary level, 51% or 83,231 of whom are in the gifted program. The remaining 49 % were students with various disabilities such as hearing impairment, visual impairment, learning disability, mental retardation, behavior problem, autism, and cerebral palsy. Students with learning disabilities comprise 25% of students with special needs. However, up to this date, many children with learning disabilities, mental retardation, and autism remain unidentified in public schools (DepEd, 2006a). The inclusion of children under these three categories of special cases were among the major concerns of the TEEP-SBM-Inclusive Education (IE) project. Historical Foundation of Inclusive Education Based on the book of Teresita G. Inciong, Yolanda S. Quijano, Yolanda T. Capulong, Julieta A. Gregorio, and Adelaida C. Jines entitled Introduction To Special Education, it was during the year of 1902 and under the American regime that the Filipino children with disabilities were given the chance to be educated. Mr. Fred Atkinson, General Superintendent of Education, proposed to the Secretary of Public Instruction that the children whom he found deaf and blind should be enrolled in school like any other ordinary children. However, the country’s special education program formally started on 1907. Mr. David Barrows, Director of Public Education, and Miss Delight Rice, an American educator, worked hard for this program to be possible. Mr. Barrows worked for the establishment of the Insular School for the Deaf and Blind in Manila and Miss Rice was the administrator and at the same time the teacher of that school. Today, the school for the Deaf is located at Harrison Street, Pasay City and the Philippine National School for the Blind is adjacent to it on Polo Road. During the year 1926, the Philippine Association for the Deaf (PAD) was composed of hearing impaired members and special education specialists. The following year (1927), the Welfareville Children’s Village in Mandaluyong, Rizal was established. In 1936, Mrs. Maria Villa Francisco was appointed as the first Filipino principal of the School for the Deaf and the Blind (SDB). In 1945, the National Orthopedic Hospital opened its School for Crippled Children (NOHSCC) for young patients who had to be hospitalized for long periods of time. In 1949, the Quezon City Science High School for gifted students was inaugurated and the Philippine Foundation for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled was organized. In 1950, PAD opened a school for children with hearing impairment.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Self-Employment Essay -- Jobs Businesses Papers
Self-Employment Today large companies are downsizing and reengineering with much more frequency, and it would appear that the trend has become one of people starting their own business. An interesting statistic stated that in the United States a new small business is started every 11 seconds; (of course many do fail, but they are started all the same). (Sullivan) We must also keep in mind that starting a business and being self-employed are not always one in the same-as this paper will examine in more detail. People can be, and often are, simultaneously owners, self-employed producers, and capitalists. It was stated that, In traditional economics a basic principle is that economic resources-the means of producing goods and services-are limited or scarce. Economic resources are defined as property resources-land or raw materials and capital-and human resources-labor and entrepreneurial ability. Therefore, entrepreneurial ability is one of the four cornerstones of our economy. (Kautz, "Entrepreneurial Issues.") The availability of all of these resources in turn, determines the vitality of the economy and its growth. Although to be an entrepreneur does not require that one be self-employed, being self-employed does require that one, at least to some extent, be an entrepreneur. Therefore it is important to understand what it "is" to be an entrepreneur as well as what it "takes" to be an entrepreneur. The basic components of entrepreneurial ability can be reduced to four basic components. First, the entrepreneur is the one who takes the first step, and thus the initiative, to combine the individual parts of land, capital, and labor to produc... ...ary/weekly/1999/aa051799.htm Kautz, Judith. "Entrepreneurs Add Vitality to the Economy." July 2, 1999." wysiwyg://24/http://entrepreneurs†¦.s/library/weekly/1999/aa070299.htm Kautz, Judith. "Entrepreneurship Beyond 2000." wysiwyg://29/http://entrepreneurs†¦.s/library/weekly/1999/aa112599.htm Martin, Ed. "Entrepreneurs and Small Business. What's the Difference?" wysiwyg://53/http://sbinformation†¦.ation/library/weekly/aa082800a.htm Pettersson, Edvard. "Countering View of Immigrants as Entrepreneurs." Los Angeles Business Journal. January 24, 2000. The Gale Group (CBJ, L.P.). Sullivan, Robert. "Nine Steps to Success." The Small Business Start-up Guide. wysiwyg://17/ "Top 10 Reasons Small Businesses Fail." wysiwyg://14/http://about.allbusin†¦ormation/general.jhtml?fname=10207
Monday, January 13, 2020
Focus on a particular scene Essay
This essay will focus on a particular scene in â€Å"A View From The Bridge†An argument and subsequent fight rises between Eddie Carbone and Rodolpho, an Italian illegal immigrant and nephew of Eddie’s wife, Beatrice. A View from the Bridge was written by Arthur Miller and is set in a slum in New York in the 1950s. A View From the Bridge is about a working class Italian immigrant community in the Red Hook section of New York, illegal immigrants often stayed until they settled into America or gained legal status. The story focuses on the Carbone family; Eddie, his wife Beatrice and their niece Catherine. They help Beatrice’s cousins, Marco and Rodolpho, who have illegally emigrated to America earn a living in order to send money home to their poverty stricken families in Sicily. The central theme of the play is honour. In act two Marco accuses Eddie of †Killing my children†and this obviously dirties Eddie Carbone’s name. Consequently Eddie challenges Marco to a fight in order to clear his name. This results in Marco fatally stabbing Eddie in the concluding brawl at the end of the play. This scene comes at an important part of the play; this is because it sparks off the eventual fight between Eddie and Marco. The end of Act One is a turning point mainly because Eddie raises some highly controversial questions about Rodolpho’s sexuality when he says, â€Å"he sings, he cooks and he makes dresses†implying that he behaves like a traditional wife, Eddie appears to be questioning Rodolpho’s masculinty, Rodolpho doesn’t understand. As a result of this scene the vendetta between Eddie, Rodolpho and Marco grows more serious leading up to a tragic finish at the end of the play. The characters in this particular scene are Eddie, Catherine, Beatrice and two southern Italian immigrants called Marco and Rodolpho. Eddie and Beatrice look after their young seventeen year old, naive niece Catherine. (Louis and Mike are long shoremen like Eddie who don’t come into the story often.). The scene reveals the characters’ personalities such as Eddie’s moaning, self-questioning and bitter attributes when he jealously ridicules Rodolpho’s camp and effeminate personality. Beatrice is Eddie’s loving, loyal wife and Catherine has lived with them all her life so she is like a daughter to them. Beatrice is a housewife and lives on Eddie’s wages. Catherine appears to be a young naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve girl who is desperate to get a job, which Eddie will approve of. She seems to hope that if this happens Eddie will treat her in a more adult way and be proud of her. Marco is strong with a tough build. In a modern society he would be described as very much his own man. This means that he doesn’t let others make decisions for him. Eddie mentions that †Nobody questions Marco,†suggesting that Marco is more than capable of defending himself. Marco shows us that he is quiet, reserved and tough. He warns Eddie that he is a potential danger to him by raising a chair that Eddie fails to lift. Previously Marco has behaved in a more reserved fashion and had kept himself to himself. Almost as if he was in solitary confinement. In this part of the play Eddie behaves like a protective father, putting a curfew on the time that Catherine returns home. He also makes decisions about what men Catherine dates and what clothes she wears. He wants to control her life even though she is old enough to get married. Eddie goes on to say that he didn’t â€Å"like the looks†that she had been getting in the â€Å"candy store†. Furthermore he shows his disapproval about her waving to his friend Louis commenting â€Å"I could tell you things about Louis which you wouldn’t wave to him no more†. This suggests that Eddie at this point of the story is having trouble accepting that his niece has grown up and is becoming interested in men. He is also jealous of the relationship between Catherine and Rodolpho. It is apparent through Marco’s behaviour suggests that he is getting sick and tired of Eddie’s antics. This is evident when Marco intervenes in the heated sparring match between Eddie and Rodolpho. Another example of the rivalry between Marco, Rodolpho and Eddie is when Marco lifts a chair that Eddie fails to; Marco greets this with a â€Å"Triumphant smile†. Rodolpho dances with Catherine after the sparring match with Eddie. This shows Eddie that Rodolpho loves her and is not just after his American citizenship. However this is more a message to Eddie that he isn’t scared of him and.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Anaylzing the Ethnography, Witchcraft, Violence, and...
The practices of witchcraft have been around for many centuries. It was said that men in early times used the idea of magic to pay respects to the gods that ruled and brought forth an easier life. Magic was used mostly by shamans, medicine people, and witches to call the powers of the gods to help grow crops and bring water. Magic was used more often when times were hard and grew from the craziness of bad weather and little food supplies. These people who performed witchcraft would do rituals and cast spells to help call the upon the gods. Over time the use of witches and witchcraft turned sour and people were seeing less and less of them. â€Å"Witches, who were primarily women, were originally seen as wise healers whom could both†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Anthropologists have long been aware that the social production and meaning of witchcraft is an evasive issue that defies easy analysis†(Teppo, 2006). Many anthropologists such as Wilson, Gluckman, and Do uglas are a few of the most known theories and they all have come to a similar conclusion and explained witchcraft as a â€Å"downside of social relations, or a product of social tension, which is constantly able to renew itself within global modernity†(Ashforth, 2000). Ashforth believes this theory as well and continues to base his research on the social aspects of witchcraft and how it affects the people of the community. There are three main points to this ethnography that I believe Ashforth was trying to examine. The first point I believe is researched is the lives of the residents in Soweto, and how their insecurities impact their belief in witchcraft. It seems that many residents use the topic of jealousy as the main source of witchcraft and that it only increased when the inequality among blacks in South Africa increased. The newly democratized society enabled some residents to move up to the middle class, while others remained in poverty stricken areas, this lea d to the jealousy issues that increased the presence of witchcraft. The second point is the different aspects and potential causes of insecurities of the residents of Soweto. Establishing the knowledge of spiritual insecurity offered an arguable foundation of witchcraft and why
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