Saturday, August 31, 2019
Chemotherapy: Understanding the Basics
There are many ways to give chemotherapy; as an IV where medication is put into he body using veins (usually in your arm), or as a catheter, or an IV that stays in a blood vessel in your chest, so a normal IV doesn't have to stay stuck in your arm. More ways that chemo can be given are pills, capsules, or liquids, shots into the muscle and skin, or as an injection into an area below the spinal cord. Places to give chemotherapy are hospitals, cancer centers, doctor's offices, and at home.Many patients receive chemo in hospitals and clinics, while others may need to stay in a hospital so doctors can look over them. Chemo may be given at different times such as every day, every week, or every month. Between treatments the patient needs time to rest. Undergoing chemo might have uncomfortable side effects caused by the medications, the amount taken, and the general health of the patient. Most side effects don't last long because the healthy cells multiply and side effects eventually go aw ay.Cancer patients get lots of TTL (tender, love, and care), like lots of food and water, physical therapy, medicines, etc. This type of care helps patients get through treatments and avoid side effects such as nausea and vomiting. This most common effect of chemo Is fatigue. Tiredness can last for days, weeks, or months, but It eventually goes away once the treatment Is over. Rest can assist the body to recover from chemo. Short-term side effects caused by chemo are stomach problems Like not being hungry, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.Some drugs used In chemotherapy might cause problems that bother or harm the bladder or kidneys. Another Issue caused by chemo Is brief depression and confusion, which should disappear when treatment Is finished. More side effects can be blood disorders Like anemia and blood clotting. Any organ Like the heart, lungs, brain, kidneys, and liver can be affected by chemo for a long period of time. Factors Like the type of drug and/or chemo and whether the patient was treated with radiation at the same time he or she was receiving the treatment may cause a higher risk of cancer later on.It can be hard to deal with cancer and cancer treatment. Even If the side effects are uncomfortable, It's Important to make the patient happy and ensure that chemo Is administered. Chemotherapy: Understanding the Basics By accepted effect of chemo is fatigue. Tiredness can last for days, weeks, or months, but it eventually goes away once the treatment is over. Rest can assist the body to recover Short-term side effects caused by chemo are stomach problems like not being hungry, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.Some drugs used in Another issue caused by chemo is brief depression and confusion, which should sappier when treatment is finished. More side effects can be blood disorders like Any organ like the heart, lungs, brain, kidneys, and liver can be affected by chemo for a long period of time. Factors like the type of drug and/or chemo and whether the patient was treated with radiation at the same time he or she was receiving the It can be hard to deal with cancer and cancer treatment. Even if the side effects are uncomfortable, it's important to make the patient happy and ensure that chemo is administered.
Is the Search for Extraterrestrial Life Doomed to Fail? Essay
The search for extraterrestrial life is not doomed to fail. Ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Babylonians, Indians, and Sumerians had all believed in the existence of extraterrestrial life, even if they were principally focused on angels and demons in their belief. The Jewish Talmud stated that there are at least eighteen thousand other worlds. Hindu belief also revolved around multiple worlds in contact with each other. The Muslims’ Qur’an says, â€Å"All praise belongs to God, Lord of all the worlds†besides mentioning angels and jinns (â€Å"Extraterrestrial Life†). Thus scientists have enough support from historical and religious traditions of humanity to keep on searching for extraterrestrial life. This search may go on until humanity takes a quantum leap, or hits the point of a breakthrough in its endeavor. After all, most of the scientific discoveries and leaps did not occur without persistent efforts and firm faith in the fact that we will eventually make it through. Besides, scientists are some of the most persistent and confident humans on earth today, who know that they will make it through. James F. Kasting wrote, â€Å"Habitable planets are likely to exist around stars not too different from the Sun if current theories about terrestrial climate evolution are correct. Some of these planets may have evolved life, and some of the inhabited planets may have evolved O2-rich atmospheres†(291). We are assuming that other species on other planets in our universe may be living in conditions very similar to ours. In other words, in human understanding extraterrestrial life must involve the use of water, sunlight, air, etc. However, if we believe in angels and jinns of the historical and religious traditions, we are instinctively aware that these species do not rely on the kinds of terrestrial conditions that we rely on. Hence, we might have to change our focus IS THE SEARCH FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE DOOMED TO FAIL? Page # 2 on terrestrial conditions in order to find proof of extraterrestrial life. We might discover, for example, that different uses of lenses to bend light or to employ it in a different way – would allow us to see angels. Our world has talked enough about Unidentified Flying Objects or UFO’s. Despite the photographs and eye witnesses of UFO’s, most people in the scientific community refuse to believe in UFO’s and also urge the public toward disbelief, because the majority of scientists searching for extraterrestrial life have not thus far had the opportunity to capture and dissect aliens coming out of the UFO’s. And yet, there is talk about alien capture from Area 51 in California. There are countless reports, in fact, about the existence of UFO’s. If all scientists were to believe in the phenomena of UFO’s at this point, one of the requirements to substantiate their belief would be a certain level of control over the extraterrestrial life. Seeing that scientists have not thus far managed to exercise control over UFO’s and aliens, the way they have control over their spaceships, most of them claim that UFO’s and aliens may be a falsehood. Once again, this is only because aliens and UFO’s have not subjected themselves to human scrutiny the way human beings give in to human biology experiments. NASA’s Chief Historian, Steven J. Dick has written that one of the most important tasks of NASA undertaken since the beginning of the Space Age has been the search for life beyond earth. As a matter of fact, in the year 1962 the Space Science Board of the National Academy of Sciences had declared that NASA’s nascent space biology efforts had the search for extraterrestrial life as the prime goal. Moreover, writes Dick, NASA believes that â€Å"Without organic molecules, the building blocks of life, life cannot exist. †To put it another way, the most IS THE SEARCH FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE DOOMED TO FAIL? Page # 3 important scientific venture to search for extraterrestrial life does not even consider the possibility of extraterrestrial life being anything dissimilar to life on earth. In scientists’ view, extraterrestrial life must be based on conditions that are very similar to those for life on earth. As an example of its scientific victory in the search for extraterrestrial life, NASA believes that it has found evidence of water flowing on Mars. Alex Stone writes that the presence of water greatly increases the likelihood that living organisms once thrived on the planet, and perhaps still inhabit Mars today. And so, Stone states: Pictures taken by the camera on NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor suggest that rivulets of liquid water were flowing on the Red Planet within the past few years and may still be flowing today, welling up from beneath the Martian surface and streaming down gullies along the sloping walls of impact craters. †¦. But is the liquid flowing down these gullies really water? Probably, say experts at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, but more evidence is needed to seal the case. â€Å"You can never be certain from orbit,†says Ken Edgett, a member of the research team that made the discovery. â€Å"But this is the best evidence yet of liquid water being present on Mars right now†(20). If we are only searching for extraterrestrial life that resembles what we have on earth, it may or may not take a long time to find extraterrestrial life. The search would not be futile still, for we will gather much evidence about other aspects of our universe in the process. All the same, IS THE SEARCH FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE DOOMED TO FAIL? Page # 4 according to historical and religious traditions of humanity, angels are made of light and jinns are made of fire. It would perhaps be best for scientists to try finding life that is based on light and fire to boot. In other words, scientists have to consider the possibility that extraterrestrial life may be based on an infinite number of elements. Water, air, and sunlight may not be necessary to support other forms of life. Seeing that we have not by now discovered everything we possibly can about our universe, we also must assume that we have failed to consider the possibilities of other elements making up extraterrestrial life. Hence, scientists must be more open to exploration than before, taking into account both the historical and religious traditions of extraterrestrial life, in order for their knowledge base to be complete. After all, they still debate about the origins of life on earth – about God versus Darwin. In both of these belief systems, our understanding of life is incomplete. Neither God nor evolution has explained to human minds everything to know about the universe. Therefore, assumptions are necessary. Moreover, it is crucial for scientists to open themselves up to alternate theories of life. They may decide to start by trying to see angels of light and jinns of fire simply because these beings are referred to in the historical and religious traditions of humanity. Eventually, we are bound to find extraterrestrial life, even if it means that our earth may be destroyed by an asteroid before scientists can capture on a massive scale images of angels and jinns. In that case, we all might go through the experiences of those who have been near death, that is, there would appear an angel of light to each one of us and tell us what we needed to know. IS THE SEARCH FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE DOOMED TO FAIL? Page # 5 Works Cited 1. Dick, Steven J. â€Å"The Search for Life. †NASA (2005, June 26). Retrieved from http://www. nasa. gov/mission_pages/exploration/whyweexplore/index. html. (28 February 2007). 2. â€Å"Extraterrestrial Life. †Wikipedia (2007). Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Extraterrestrial_life. (28 February 2007). 3. Kasting, James F. â€Å"Habitable Zones Around Low Mass Stars and The Search for Extraterrestrial Life. †Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, Volume 27, Numbers 1-3 (1997, June), pp. 291-307. 4. Stone, Alex. â€Å"Like Water For Mars. †Discover (2007, February), pp. 20.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Defining Humanities Essay
Humanities are fundamental to grasp an understanding of what has transpired in the past and what will construct for the future. To differentiate between the humanities and other modes of human inquiries and expressions, the definition of humanities must be defined and will be explained in this paper along with a personal cultural event experienced. The reader should depart with an understanding of what humanities entails and how it differs. Humanities Humanities are constantly tested with a range of societal changes today. According to the Humanities Association (2009), â€Å"humanities is about people; how people create the world they live in; how the world they live in makes them the people they are†(para. 2). Humanities express the concern in human life and illustrate how it relates to its historic times. Distinguishing the humanities from other modes of human inquiry and expression shares a comprehensive appreciation of the human form, whether it is the study of art, music, architecture, philosophy, literature, or any other individual venture. Other modes of human inquiries are about studying non-human objects. It differs from others that exercise a pragmatic approach. In other words, expressions with humanistic senses are supported and can be observed. Cultural Events Collectively, humanities are about the human race and how people have survived over time through political, socioeconomics, and technological changes. Culture is a dominant individual tool for survival, but it is also a delicate observable fact. It is consistently evolving and easily displaced because it exists only in our minds. Last year, the author of this paper had the pleasure of attending the Texas Renaissance Festival in Plantersville, TX. The festival is one of the nation’s largest, most recognized Renaissance fair where the things to see, sounds, tastes, and exquisiteness of the 16th Century come alive every weekend for eight weeks. The fair displays several forms of expressions in art, theater, dance, music, and literature. There are also themed weekend which allows a brief glimpse into the world during a particular era. The Texas Renaissance festival is an expression of how certain aspects of life were dealt with in past centuries. It gives an all access weekend into the life of traditional living, coupled with food and replica artifacts for sell during the focused period. It started showcasing in 1974 and today features over 500 costumed performers and 15 performance stages. The music played around the fair emphasizes emotions and projects individual experiences into rhythmic words. For example, during the Roman Bacchanal themed weekend, it features entertainment that includes the sounds of ancient Rome. All music is forms of an â€Å"art form†and is only an outline of expression. Contrary to what music was like centuries ago, the direction it has taken now takes on a whole new meaning. There are different genres such as rock, pop, classical, jazz, opera, or hip-hop. They are released to society in the variety of ways such as compact discs, digitized musical downloads, or in person concerts. Some individuals of society believes music is controlling and manipulating; however, some individuals beg to differ denoting it has positive socioeconomically results and is art. The works of literature displayed at the fair is impeccable. It is in the form of imaginative works including short stories, poems, or plays, which are performed on stages around the fair grounds. Words in humanities can be written to describe the story of past events. Conclusion The study of humanities used to figure out the differing explanations of being existence and the past. Today’s civilization would be gone astray without the learning and use of humanities. If humanities did not exist, society and future generations would not understand how some wants and necessities happened such as cars, phones, electricity, television, sports, the White House, etc. Understanding how current developments reflect on humanities is important because it generalizes dependent and independent variables people speculated as causes to his or his background. The cultural event experienced revolutionized the insight of past centuries. Humanities and cultural familiarities allow people to become in synch with today’s world of fast-paced assimilated awareness.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Fault Reporting System (FRS) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Fault Reporting System (FRS) - Essay Example Part 1 Analysis of Requirements A- Business objectives for the FRS The development of fault reporting system is aimed at achieving the following business objectives: Reduce the number of complaints regarding IT faults Increase credibility of business services On-time problem management Higher market share through better services Targeting wide customer market Increasing annual turnover Enhancing business productivity through better services Increasing the hardware product’s quality services B Produces a list of the functions required from the FRS Through the implementation of Fault Reporting System (FRS) we are intended to improve the overall business operational performance. ... Allocation Staff for complaint management (BO6, BO7) Issues Recording Screen R8. Recording all issues found (BO8) R9. Entering main issues found on system (BO9, BO10) Action Taken Screen R10. Recording necessary actions taken to mitigate the problem (BO11) Link each function to at least one Business Objective This section describes different functions those will be provided by the new system. In this way the business will be capable to get more effective facilities for conducting corporate operations and improving working environment: Client Satisfaction Clients’ satisfaction is one of the prime factors of the business. In this connection I have listed below main functionalities of the new web based Fault Reporting System: Recording all the complaints Saving clients detailed information along with complaints Quick fixes Fast actions Reducing faults fixing within "two working days†Offering more reliability of different types of computer equipment Enhancing overall corpor ate internal working structure Fast Response Quick response to clients’ complaints is essential for the business operational performance. In this scenario I have presented below the functionalities of the new Fault Reporting System: Offering exact date for solutions In case of small problem offering frequent solution Proper submission of complaints to the relevant department Web based or On-line assistance On-time Complaint Management On-time management of the clients’ complaints is a major preference of every business. In this scenario for the quick on-time complaints management we need to produce some internal and external departmental changes. Therefore I have outlined below some of the main functionalities for the new Fault Reporting System: Rapid action or response against
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Middle school Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Middle school - Essay Example According to Staff (2007), middle school students between the age of twelve and fifteen are driven by peer pressure to engage in sexual activities. Though there has been concerns about the safety of these middle school students in terms of the side effects of birth control measures (Staff, 2007), it is worth noting that the benefits of providing birth control among school going teenagers far outweigh the drawbacks. Therefore, contraceptives should be made available to school going teenagers particularly in schools. This paper presents an argument in support of provision of contraceptives to middle school teens. One of the reasons in support of provision of contraceptives to middle school teens relates to education. Welsh (2012) posits that "Half of girls who had children before age eighteen graduate from high school and less than two percent earn a college degree by the time they are thirty". In other words, teenage pregnancy denies them a right to education. In essence, this is attributed to the challenges associated with pregnancies particularly health issues. In addition, the pregnant teen has to drop out of school in order to take care of the child. Access to contraceptives can thus help prevent unplanned pregnancies among middle school students and consequently elevate their chances of completing their education and a better future. The case of T.C. Williams school for instance presents an illustration of the benefits of contraceptives to middle school teens. Before the clinic was moved to the school, a total of fifty pregnancies were reported within a year. In the first year of the c linics relocation to the school, the number of reported teen pregnancies dropped to thirty five and twenty in the second year (Welsh, 2012). As noted by Welsh (2012), individuals who argue against issuance of contraceptives to middle school girls argue that the practice would encourage more teenagers to engage in dangerous sexual activities.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Discuss the similarities and differences between Al Qaida and earlier Essay
Discuss the similarities and differences between Al Qaida and earlier jihadist groups - Essay Example Al Qaeda, though an offshoot of the early jihadist movements, has grown to be more radical, violent and passionate toward the struggle. Given the shifts, the question that comes to the fore is the extent to which al Qaeda is different from the previous jihadist movements. This paper therefore analyses the similarities between the modern day al Qaeda movement and the early jihadist movements. However, in order to get a better analysis of the similarities and differences between the sets of generational jihadism, it is imperative to first appreciate the origin of the movements. Comparison between Early Jihadist Groups and Al Qaeda The early jihadists’ movements and al Qaeda have all had elements of how Islam is exploited as a vehicle for political mobilization (Moaddel 375). The resurgence of jihadism or political Islam was mainly as a result of the defeats the Arab states suffered at the hands of Israeli forces in 1967, to challenge the nation states in the Middle East (Milton- Edwards 123). The Muslim Brotherhood emerged because of the fall of the secular Muslim States. Since the 20th century, the brotherhood has toiled to form Islamic states that strictly adhere to the teachings of the Quran, most of the time, as they understand those teachings. This was an invention of an Islamic figure christened Hasan Al Bannna who lived between the years 1906 and 1949. Another figure who was also particularly instrumental in this quest particularly in the Middle East was Sayyid Qutb who died in the year 1956. This was further sharpened and used by Abdul Ala Maududi in Asia, who lived in the period 1903 to 1979 (Gunaratna). Countries especially those in the Middle East have released their instruments of coercion to suppress society. The result of this is all too evident, as some of the Islamic groups have resulted to the use of violence to demand for their perceived rights. This ceding of political ground by the brotherhood has brought to the fore other groups that we re previously unheard of. The hardline Islamic groups for instance view the brotherhood with skepticism as they believe the brotherhood is compromised. The takeover by the US government in the initiative to flush out terrorist elements in Iraq, coupled by the occupation by the Soviets in Afghanistan in the month of December of the year 1979 has not only been spawning ground for the emergence of disparate Islamic groups but has led to the thriving of such groups. The notion that Islam is a monolithic threat to the West has significantly increased and fuels their energy toward use of violence (Knudsen 10-11). Such groups have grown in influence, which is because of the growth in numbers and increased financing. In addition, they have learnt vital skill in the field of war which is mostly attributed to the Afghan campaign. The assistance offered by western governments to Mujahidin groups native to Afghanistan and the subsequent disagreements during the revolution of 1979, which occurre d in Iraq and the later emergence of the Iraq-Iran War, has raised the level of assistance. This was offered by Washington to Iraq and other group especially Sunni, in addition the campaign by the Saudi in protest to the existence of Shias, has in turn given strength to Sunni groups from the 1980’
Monday, August 26, 2019
Communication in the Work Environment Assignment
Communication in the Work Environment - Assignment Example An example of this type of problem can be seen when a worker discovers that a piece of equipment is not working up to standard even though expectations have been clearly outlined that are need of that piece of equipment working at its optimum. Effective communication can be lost as the worker tries to explain the problem and the manager is only hearing excuses as to why expectations cannot be met. Failures in communications can result in strained relationships between managers and workers as information is not given or processed correctly. Management Style The way in which workers and managers communicate with one another is often defined by the management style that a manager will adopt. The type of leadership that is established will have an effect on how a worker responds and is able to communicate to the manager. As well, the way in which an individual has experienced speaking with leadership will also have an effect on how they can communicate to a manager. Communications styles develop long before an individual enters the workforce, but they can be trained in order to provide for more effective communications (Young, 2009). Often times it is a lack of communications training that will position a worker so that are unable to give information to an employer. There are four basic types of management that will affect the way in which communication develops between a manager and an employee. The four types are autocratic, paternalistic, democratic, and laissez-faire. In an autocratic type of management, information is proprietary and all decisions are made by the manager. A paternalistic manager will make decisions upon the basis of what is best for the employees. Through good relationships with employees, this type of manager acts as a guardian for their interests. In a democratic style of management the manager will allow employees a voice in the decision making process with discussions and a fairly free flow of information allowing for some equality within the groups and teams of the organization. In the laissez-faire form of management, the manager avoids his responsibilities and the employees end up picking up duties without any form of true organization (PM4DEV, 2007). An autocratic leader is one which leads through closing off his position from those under them so that it is difficult to communicate. In this type of leadership fear often develops because of the proprietary nature through which information is withheld. Employees will not be sure that the information that they are trying to communicate fits into the situation where little top down communication as occurred. A paternalistic manager might also see the same kind of reluctance from employees as they do not want to cause friction or issues with a leader who has become a friend or has been seen to be acting in the employees’ best interests. The democratic style of management allows for the best potential for good communications as the leader has formed relationship s with the employees but is still actively managing the business. Teamwork allows for a free flow of information so that employees understand the relevance of the information that they may choose to impart. Laissez-faire styles of management usually accompany a complete breakdown as the manager has specifically shown that they are not interested in the work and goals that need to be accomplished. It is clear that communication is best developed through management that includes building a
Sunday, August 25, 2019
INDIAN NEGOTIATION STYLES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
INDIAN NEGOTIATION STYLES - Essay Example A break from socialist policies to a capitalist oriented economic structure has been cited as one of the contributing factors to the country’s economic growth. Western countries have increased their levels of interest in the country for purposes of economic partnership. India’s high population estimated at over a billion has attracted foreign investors who seek market for their products or cheap labor. However engaging with India demands a deeper connection with the culture, attitudes, and philosophies underlying their business practices. The Problem Multinationals and other global business entities that have attempted to establish their businesses in India have been faced with unique challenges that demanded the understanding of the corporate climate. The levels of success or failure in Indian business are directly related to the manner in which international players adjust to the unique character of Indian culture. Studies have established a strong connection between culture and business in the Indian context. Past and recent analyses on Indian negotiating style show that the styles adopted in Indian business environment are largely consistent with their cultural believes, social values, and attitudes towards life in general (Stephen, 2010). Indians embrace family values and respect the aspect of honesty, respect, order, and hierarchy. Indian culture also features a strong element of interpersonal communications and relationships. The individual is never separate from the deal. They view the negotiation in human terms rather than strictly technical business processes. In essence, Indian negotiating styles combines the values of culture honesty and details in ways that focus largely on the results rather than the processes. It is therefore important for business theorists to establish ways of establishing ways through which the synergies of culture, attitudes, and values can be incorporated into business practice. The Problem Background In India business is considered as a culture and not simply a means towards profits. Success and failure are assessed in terms of the character and ability of agents rather than logical outcomes of strategies and processes (Martin, & Chaney, 2009). In the context of international business, the negotiation process in India is considered, in many circles, as a process of balance of power and an adjustment of equilibriums between the presumed cultural greatness of the west and Indian culture. Cultural balance and cultural universalism acquire more prominence to challenge the negative assumptions resident in theories of cultural relativism as understood in business context. Indian negotiating styles significantly rely on the details (Zubko, & Sahay, 2010). Issues are broken down into their constituent parts and analyzed in accordance with the manner in which they relate to the bigger picture. In essence, the process entails the realization of a range of issues that connect with outcomes. Usually , the focus begins with the bigger picture before attention is given to the driving factors and the specifics of the deal. Clarity and order in the details of the deal becomes necessary for purposes of assessing the feasibility of the deal. Naturally, Indians prefer the guidance of clear data and mathematical procedure towards the attainment of a given goal. This trait is consistent with the cultural attachment to matters of mathematical and scientific importance.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Justice - Essay Example The paper also focuses on a very sensitive issue of capital punishment rendered by the courts of law depending on the intensity of the criminal acts. This act of the court is largely contested based on the Christian views where rendering of Capital Punishment is straightly not allowed (Ness, 1994, p.3). The legal system and the rendering of justice is dealt along the study and analysis of three articles in the light of the views imposed by Christianity. Reforming Prisoners through Religion The aspect of reforming prisoners through the approach of religious institutions and not through putting them in prison houses is analysed based on Omar M. McRoberts article â€Å"Religion, Reform, Community: Examining the Idea of Church-based Prisoner Reentry†. This article came out during March 2002, as a Working Discussion Paper for the Urban Institute’s Reentry Roundtable (McRoberts, 2002,p.1). The religious touch rendered to the convicts helps them to bear the atrocities of the p rison climates and a life isolated from their closed ones. However, the main problem in discussion is not of the prison days but rather of the future periods when the convict is made free. Here the person being freed from the prison earns a further challenge in search for a livelihood. These people in the large society feel somewhat insecured and loiter in search for both physical and mental sustenance to help them dwell in the external world. To help find a solution to the aforesaid problem the courts of the land along with religious institutions are increasingly working on the program on Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA) to help the freed prisoners reenter their social and community lifestyles. This program largely focuses to help the freed prisoners gain a better occupational and domestic environment along with rendering mental support so that they do not take to drugs or get emotionally turbulent. The success of the program greatly depends on the activity of religious bodies like Churches, which are not only trying to help the prisoners sustain a healthy mental and physical life inside the condemnation walls but also working outside to help them reenter the social sphere. Churches with their alchemic touch are considered the main instruments that would help these individuals reenter the community circles, which fall under the governance of these religious bodies. Further, the Churches being religious bodies with an open outlook where they do not make any distinction between members and non-members are observed to be the spear headers of the community movement. The main focus of these programs with extensive religious collaboration is to totally change and transform the criminal psyche of the prison inmates into proper civilized mindsets. However, the present urban lifestyles are a bend of continuous physical and mental tensions often amounting to violent and turbulent activities. Thus, it is held that the Christian missionaries must ai m at driving these people to cool pastoral countryside where they can leave a peaceful life and are freed from mental tensions. The freed prisoners settled along free quarters are widely encouraged to participate in the Sunday masses and are regularly associated with the Bible. These activities help cast a strong religious ferment in such people who gradually develop a civilized lifestyle to
Friday, August 23, 2019
Journal Article Summaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Journal Article Summaries - Essay Example easured, this was done with the overall intent to draw a level of inference on the ultimate research question of the degree to which UV light affected primary cell growth within the specimens. As such, the study itself was conducted over a period of one month with varying levels and strengths of light being administered to the samples. The research helped to prove that the light fluctuation and temperature variation both played a prominent role in actuating the growth mechanisms that the cells exhibited. Moreover, the photosynthetic process itself was proven to be fundamentally shaped and directed by the availability and strength of the different wavelengths of light that were affected on it. An interesting facet of the approach was the fact that the researchers employed not only differing wavelengths of synthetic light onto the test group but also the fact that LED light was incorporated. Further, the research was able to prove that there was no verifiably noticeable differential between the rates of growth that were observed. Miller, J. H., & Stephani, M. C. (1971). Effects of Colchicine and Light on Cell Form in Fern Gametophytes. Implications for a Mechanism of Light-induced Cell Elongation. Physiologia Plantarum, 24(2), 264-271. doi:10.1111/1399-3054.ep13041273 As with the first study that has been listed, this particular study goes into a great deal of depth with reference to the presence and intensity of light and the patterns of cell development that are exhibited. With relation to this particular study, the researchers are keenly interested in the actual physiology that light and the photosynthetic process has on the unique ways in which the cell developes. In order to draw inference on such a research question, the researchers separate multiple groups, as well as a control, and proceed to measure unique fluctuations in the rate and type of growth that is exhibited therein. Furthermore, the researchers found that when light were limited and/or a
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